We talk about a lot of great pops this episode and I know I type that out every time but its pretty true this time.
EE.GoFunkoYourself.com for for pops to help out the show, they are running a buy 5 get a 6th free and they promise mints baby!
Check us out at www.facebook.com/gofunkoyourself, www.twitter.com/gofunkoyourself, www.instagram.com/gofunkoyourself, www.gofunkoyourself.com. You could also help us out by rating and reviewing the show on iTunes, completing a sweet survey at https://survey.libsyn.com/gofunkoyourself and finally if you want to be a super awesome person and become a patreon of the show then visit https://www.patreon.com/gofunkoyourself, that is everything for this week!
We talk about a lot of great pops this episode and I know I type that out every time but its pretty true this time.
EE.GoFunkoYourself.com for for pops to help out the show, they are running a buy 5 get a 6th free and they promise mints baby!
Check us out at www.facebook.com/gofunkoyourself, www.twitter.com/gofunkoyourself, www.instagram.com/gofunkoyourself, www.gofunkoyourself.com. You could also help us out by rating and reviewing the show on iTunes, completing a sweet survey at https://survey.libsyn.com/gofunkoyourself and finally if you want to be a super awesome person and become a patreon of the show then visit https://www.patreon.com/gofunkoyourself, that is everything for this week!
We are fresh off our weekend at Steel City Comic Con, We discuss some a new line from Funko, some Pocket pops and twilight. Sorry again Shane and Congratulations to Andy for winning the Jimmy McGill Pop Figure.
Click Here to Pre-order the Twlight Pops
EE.GoFunkoYourself.com for any nerd things you'd like.
Check us out at www.facebook.com/gofunkoyourself, www.twitter.com/gofunkoyourself, www.instagram.com/gofunkoyourself, www.gofunkoyourself.com. You could also help us out by rating and reviewing the show on iTunes, completing a sweet survey at https://survey.libsyn.com/gofunkoyourself and finally if you want to be a super awesome person and become a patreon of the show then visit https://www.patreon.com/gofunkoyourself, that is everything for this week!
This week we get some awesome listener feedback and questions! A lovely voicemail was left by Zig and you can follow her on instagram here Ziggazigpop and she posts frequently here www.imzy.com/funko. Here is where you can pre-order or buy sweet pops and help support the show.
Fallout Dorbz From Entertainment Earth
Doctor Strange Pop!s and Dorbz
EE.GoFunkoYourself.com for any nerd things you'd like.
Check us out at www.facebook.com/gofunkoyourself, www.twitter.com/gofunkoyourself, www.instagram.com/gofunkoyourself, www.gofunkoyourself.com. You could also help us out by rating and reviewing the show on iTunes, completing a sweet survey at https://survey.libsyn.com/gofunkoyourself and finally if you want to be a super awesome person and become a patreon of the show then visit https://www.patreon.com/gofunkoyourself, that is everything for this week!